The large narrative arch centers around The Idol, with its pointless contraptions in opposition to Athos and the power of creating real value using Mobius. The idol’s utter uselessness can come to be understood over the course of the game and in opposition with Mobius. The player is not told directly about the vanity of the idol: it is mostly talked about positively by characters that are met.

Characters met around the map, and adventures encountered, lead one to learn various meaningful concepts like regulating ones own nervous system, memory skills, social and team-building skills, sportsmanship, self-regulation, self-discipline, self-love, trauma management, mental models, mental arithmetic, reasoning, decision making, and more.

There is an exploration of the meaning of Love, through Truman’s relationship with his family, his disabled daughter and his wife betrayal of him.

There is an exploration of the excesses of the Military Industrial Complex, in opposition to the reality of the need for protection and defense.

There are stories of exploitation, gluttony, and elitism.

There is an exploration of the reality of Evil and the decisions we face in light of that. This is not discussed overtly very much, given a widespread aversion to looking at things in terms of Good and Evil. Instead, players come to ask themselves how they personally feel about the situations that arise, and without putting a word to it they recognize that they do believe in Evil itself, just not the same definition of evil as they have previously been taught.

The idea of billionaires automatically being evil shows a lack of reflection on the true nature of evil.

To start with, you are given tools for keeping track of basics like inventory, and it’s just a Mobius app like any other and people can break it open and start creating apps from the start, as part of the open-world ethos. You use the software and then go through a process of customizing it for your needs. The different challenges point to different advantages of using Mobius.

The Idol is in opposition to teachings of the Old Watchmen religion